Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Survey Feedback & Planning

I've got a three-pronged attack for this survey. Feedback loop, administering survey, getting the word out.

The feedback I've received about the survey questions have varied greatly. Most people thought the questions were good, but that sort of feedback doesn't provide much info to me. I did receive two useful emails which pointed out a wording flaw in the survey.

The wording at issue is similar to the following example survey about ballroom dancing experiences,

Question #1 Have you ever done ballroom dancing? [Yes, No]

Question #2 How would you describe the first time you doing ballroom dancing? [text box]

Question #3 Would you be interested in lessons? [Yes, No, Maybe]

This may seem well and good to you, but it isn't ideal. If the respondent selects No for the first quesiton, then the following questions wouldn't make sense and would be awkward to answer. That's the issue I have to fix with my questioning.

I downloaded an open-source survey script, called Ask People, to administer this survey. I also added a Google Analytics script to this survey so that I can capture traffic details (location, new or returning visitor, etc...) while the survey is being taken. I intend to use the results of the survey and the traffic information to help paint a good picture showing the opportunity at hand. This may help me with recruiting :-)

The survey wouldn't be any good if I don't get the word out and pull favors. Part one is to email my friends and family to ask them to take the survey. Two, I will also ask them to forward the survey to their contacts. Three, I will be asking friends who use social networks (myspace, facebook, friendster) to post the message out to their network. Ideally, I'll get several hundred results from around the country. We'll see.


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