Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Retool Condor; introducing Doberman

Here's a recap of what happened over the weekend:

I completed a draft of a customer survey and posted it in our google group. There were three sections to it: set the stage for the customer, ask about experiences, offer a solution.

We want the customer to be in the right mindset prior to filling out the questionnaire, so by giving them a short story/description, we are able to get them to focus correctly. We'll then ask them about their experiences and how they liked or disliked them, finally we'll offer the possible Condor solution and inquire whether they would use a service such as Condor. And ofcourse we'll gather demographic info and gather their level of interest on being an early adopter of the service.

The team got together on Sunday morning to discuss the deal-breaker issue for Condor. This being the need to establish 3rd party partnerships to make the service even work... Research was conducted and we found some information which states that this sort of arrangement is unlikely to happen because it places undue risk and liability for the 3rd parties. This being said, the survey draft was not that important anymore and our focus changed to how we could retool the idea to reduce the liability for the 3rd parties.

While thinking about how to change Condor, Doberman was born; I've written an initial concept in the google group. Doberman plays in the same arena as Condor, but is sufficiently different enough to be treated seperately. It may be the case that we'll combine these two ideas as a single plan with phased implementation; I think investors may like it better that way :-)

That's all for now, lots to ponder still. I need to get more comments on the survey though.


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