Monday, July 16, 2007

Bison: What is it?

We had an impromptu meeting tonight to discuss what Bison is all about. I’m not going to take much time to do some marketing speak about Bison. The following is a recap of the major points (subject to change as we understand the trade space):

1. Bison is a match-making service based on user ratings, for lack of a better term. Bison answers some important questions. What is the person really like? What is the fabric of their being?

2. Bison is a REAL network of friends and family. The answers to the questions from #1 present themselves as each person’s network of friends/family contribute to the information/background that supports the individual. It may include people with whom they have just shared a day — a post-date review. The network provides the credibility for the person. Think eBay user/seller rating system put into the context of a Human Quotient. The idea behind Bison is based on a traditional, old world match-making foundation — people who know you can speak volumes of you.

3. Bison is self-regulating.

4. Bison is free for consumers.

5. Bison generates revenue based on local advertising from businesses that serve as dating activities, locales, events, etc… Restaurants, Balloon rides, Concerts, etc… will be served as recommendations for activities, with perks for consumers if they make use of the business offerings; perhaps a discount or credit mechanism.

6. Bison serves the working professional… this is very unclear.

That’s it for now.


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